Category - Safety Consultants

Collapsed conveyor

Conveyor suddenly collapses after poor risk assessment

Equipment failed without notice due to inadequate hazard evaluation, an investigation found. A side discharge conveyor suddenly collapsed without warning at an undisclosed screening plant on 4 August...

transitioningmine worker to mine boss

Transitioning from a mine worker to a mine boss

MINE WORKER TO MINE BOSS – It is common for many employees in the mining industry to start at the grass-roots level and transition to a range of supervisory and management roles in various...

Drilling Down | A Drilling Accident Investigation

The following case study is an extract of an investigation report prepared by the NSW Mine Safety Investigation Unit: “Investigation into a serious drill rig accident at Ashton Coal Mine on 12 August...

cultural safety why do we continue doing the death knock before we improve safety

Cultural Safety | Why do we have to do the Death-Knock?

Spotlight on cultural safety | There is that awful rapping of the knuckles on the door. It usually has to be repeated 2-3 times; the manager always seems to knock ever so quietly. Why do you think...

safety leadership is critical to ensuring reduction in injuries

Weak and Invisible Safety Leadership?

Every now and then I meet people who claim that what is needed to improve safety is ‘strong and visible safety leadership’. I sort of get what they mean with ‘visible leadership’ (that leaders can be...

safety co-ordinator pirate image

Safety officer with fake OHS qualifications gets compo

A man who falsified OHS qualifications forged a diploma and then worked as a health and safety coordinator has had his weekly compensation payments reinstated after being summarily dismissed for...

Heavy Vehicle National Law

Heavy vehicle national law impacts safety professionals

Following changes to the Heavy Vehicle National Law late last year, there is some confusion as well as a number of common misunderstandings within the transport industry about certain OHS-related...