In two of the latest mining safety incidents involving Load Haul Dump vehicles, communication clearly paid a key part. The incidents highlight the need to reflect on safety and communicate during seemingly small routine tasks but also reflect the need to ensure systems are adequate for the tasks undertaken.
Vehicle Interaction highlights positive communication
Summary: Two machines (a load haul dump vehicle [LHD] and a person transporter) were travelling outbye in convoy. Another LHD was travelling inbye and shunted off the road to allow the convoy to pass. When the LHD that was travelling outbye passed, the shunted machine pulled out of the cut through. The transporter stopped but it was hit by the LHD. None of the four workers in the transporter at the time of the incident was injured.
Serious Injury Load shift results in a broken leg
Serious injury | IncNot0033745
Summary: Three contract workers were installing a set of ventilation doors underground. As the door was moved into position with a load haul dump (LHD), it slid forward on the forks. A worker’s lower left leg was caught between the door and the door frame, resulting in a fracture to the tibia and fibula. The injured worker was transported to the hospital.
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